
First post after few years

It's been a while since i wrote down my feelings here.
2019 is almost end.Next year will be 2020.The year that everyone thought cars will no longer be on the road but in the air.Well, fuck that.
I'll be 30 next year.
Lucky for me, now my girlfriend is my wife.
I got 3 boys and a girl who just born last July.
How lucky i am? To be honest, i feel like I'm the luckiest person on earth.
I don't have a lot of money but i got a business with my good friends.Since my school time i have an ambition to not be working under any bosses till the rest of my life.And now, i got what i want.
Next year is where I need to start changing myself to be a role model for my kids.
My oldest, who is now 7 yo is already started to 'wants to be like Daddy'.So I need to be the best man i can be.My second son, will start his school next year.I hope his teachers can tolerate with his funny attitudes.
I don't write for a long time now and one day,my wife sent me a screenshot of my blog saying she missed reading my blog/thoughts.
So today, i try to get my self back into writing.
I hope i can do this as often as i can so when I'm gone, at least they can read what I left here.
So that's it for now.I'll write again later.
Thank you if you still reading my blog.
I hope you are having a good life.